Sep 30, 2019
Episode 92 Show Notes
Topic of the show: PATRON Golf Tango is a USAF student pilot and he sent in a question about a delay on one of his flights in Texas in the T-1. We try to explain what could have been happening while his plane guzzled gas! Thank you for your service, GT!
Timely Feedback:
1. PATRON Kilo Lima sent...
Sep 23, 2019
Episode 91 Show Notes
Topic of the show: RH and AG get to more of your awesome questions and feedback! Congratulations to PATRONs KL and NG on their newest certificates and also a shout out to TW for becoming a new private pilot! Great job!
*Today’s show was recorded while AG drove to base. Please accept our...
Sep 16, 2019
Episode 90 Show Notes
Topic of the show: AG and RH catch up on some more of your awesome questions and feedback!
Timely Feedback:
Sep 9, 2019
Episode 89 Show Notes
Topic of the show: PATRON Sierra Hotel sent in some questions about how TRIAD controllers handled an emergency/bird strike back in 2015. AG and RH discuss the incident and talk about reacting quickly during an emergency. Thank you, SH for sharing your son’s story and we are happy it ended with...
Sep 2, 2019
Episode 88 Show Notes
Topic of the show: PATRON Juliet Echo Charlie from Atlanta sent in a question about separation services. AG and RH explain what we do and how tower controllers keep airplanes apart. Thank you to another great air trafficker for his/her help answering some questions about Chicago Tower...