Jun 24, 2019
Episode 78 Show Notes
Topic of the show: What is the best way to accomplish practice approaches? AG and RH discuss what works in the TRIAD airspace and list 5 tips/tricks on how to accomplish the training mission in your home airspace.
Timely Feedback:
1. MSM sent in his favorite twin: The PA23 Apache. Thanks, MSM...
Jun 17, 2019
Episode 77 Show Notes
Topic of the show: Controller responsibilities for
clearing IFR aircraft in an out of non-towered airports. Episode
topic inspired by Patron Delta Echo Whiskey’s questions.
Thank you, DEW!
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website
at OpposingBases.com
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Jun 10, 2019
Episode 76 Show Notes
Topic of the show: AG and RH catch up on feedback that has piled up again. On this episode, we play five audio feedback recordings and answer questions/comments from seven other listeners. Your feedback drives the show and we want to get to all of it . . . thank you for your patience.
Jun 3, 2019
Episode 75 Show Notes
Did you miss our first T shirt buy opportunity? Check out your new choices and buy your Opposing Bases merchandise today! Window closes on June 10. Two design choices, each with two colors available. Click here to buy your shirt today!
Topic of the show: PATRON Juliet Romeo asked a...