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Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Welcome to Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk.  Our aviation podcast is delivered by two experienced pilots that work as air traffic controllers.  We fly in the NAS and we interact with the community through our podcast.  Our show is driven by your feedback and questions.  Enjoy the show and thanks for listening!

Jun 29, 2020

Episode 131 Show Notes


Topic of the show: AG and RH continue the discussion on traffic; specifically calling traffic in sight and the pilot’s responsibilities after the call is made.  What happens if you lose the traffic?  What are the controller’s responsibilities after the pilot says they lost the traffic?  All...

Jun 22, 2020

Episode 130 Show Notes


Topic of the show: AG and RH explain several different types of traffic calls and situations.  Do we need the pilots to see one another?  What happens if you have them in sight?  What happens if you don’t see them? 


Timely Feedback:

  1. India Lima walks us down his memory lane and his amazing...

Jun 15, 2020

Episode 129 Show Notes


Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss ATC traffic calls. When do we issue them?  What are the pilot responsibilities for reporting traffic in sight?  What can controllers do knowing pilots have other aircraft in sight.  We answer all these questions and much more. 


Timely Feedback:

  1. Delta Alpha...

Jun 8, 2020

Episode 128 Show Notes

Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss how controllers all have their own way of doing things.  What happens when we sit down and the previous controller created a situation we don’t like?  How do we make the problem run our way?


Timely Feedback:

  1. Delta Victor from the approach control mentioned...

Jun 1, 2020

Episode 127 Show Notes


Topic of the show: RH and AG discuss what a pilot can do to get out of a jam when they are left high on an approach. 


Timely Feedback:

  1. PATRON Tango Hotel sent in a great audio question!
  2. Bravo Foxtrot got selected to take the air traffic test. Congratulations!



  1. Echo Romeo asks...